Follow Up
1 Assignment
STEP 6: Track Your Progress & Say Thank you Using the Tracking Form and Sola
Say Thank You
1 Assignment
STEP 7: Repeat steps 4-6 as necessary
STEP 8: Communicate during your internship
STEP: 9 Report back & thank supporters
Conclusion & Next Steps
2 of 2

Follow Up

After you have clearly invited someone to partner with you either via letter or in person, follow up with them to thank them for their time. This could also be a good time to directly send them instructions on how to give (like the link to the intern page on the JV website).   


You: Hey Alex! Thanks for grabbing coffee with me yesterday. Like I said, I would be really honored by your support. If you want to give, here is the link on the JV website specifically for my internship.

Alex: Oh, thanks for the reminder! When do you leave again?

You: At the end of May! I’ll add you to my updates group so you know when I’m fully-funded and how the internship is going. 

Alex: Sweet! Yeah, add me to the list. I’ll be praying! 

You: Thank you!