Preparing Your Letter To Send

Once your Intern Director approves your letter you will receive an account number for the USA. This number is important to make sure that donations intended for your ministry get to you. When you receive the account number, add it to your letter. You will also receive instructions about how to receive donations in your home country and can add those to your national support letter. Now you are ready to start inviting people to partner with you and to receive donations!

Now you can download or print your letter. Don’t underestimate the power of a printed letter either to be posted or hand-delivered. A printed letter can be a physical reminder for people to pray for you and/or give. If you send printed letters to people who are more likely to donate through a paper cheque instead of online, you can include a response slip and an envelope pre-addressed to Josiah Venture with a stamp. With a printed letter you can also add a hand-written note with the letter and add your signature. 

In addition to printing your letter, we recommend downloading your letter as a PDF so it can easily be shared via text, email, or other messages. If you send a letter digitally, you may need to put more effort into being personal with your communication. We’ll cover how to do this in the next steps.